Monday, January 24, 2005

dancing for pennies

so despite my unbrideled optimism after new years, it appears that this will not, in fact, be the best year ever.

after four interviews for two jobs, i currently have been hired for zero (0) of those positions. Highlights of the process include my third interview for the receptionist job at the national abortion federation, where their ceo kept me waiting for forty five minutes, and then spent the entirety of the interview alternately suggesting that the position was below me, and then asking me how much i wanted it. "no really, do you Love administrative work?"

oh yeah, i also liked the part where despite numerous phone calls and the aformentioned three interviews, they didn't even bother to call me and let me know that i didn't get the job. i guess that's just one of the perks of having hundreds of over educated and underemployed people desperatly competing for one shitty job. you don't have to be bothered with basic human decency.

it's gotten to the point that i've started to avoid talking to new people, cause when they ask me what i do for a living, i tear up and they get uncomfortable.

my other big plan for alternatives to a real job was to try and get a fellowship to go back to nicaragua and continue the research i did for my senior essay, during the lead up to their november presidential elections. i shopped the idea around to a couple of people at wesleyan, and they all kindly pointed out that nobody cares about nicaragua, and certainly wouldn't give me any money to write about it. so i can pretty firmly scratch that off of my list.

i went to the inauguration protests last week, which was nice. we marched from malcom x park near our house down 16th st to mcphereson square. I didn't stay to do the whole parade route thing (it was mindnumbingly boring and assnumbingly cold last time) but the parade was really nice. the sun was out and there were a lot of people, and i did a bunch of nice chanting. i think chanting is pretty underappreciated.

do you ever get disturbed by the ammount of times i use the word nice in these posts? it seems to be my only adjective anymore.

i also made an amazing pillow for our house. it has a robot embroidered on it. i am a pillow making genious.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. I saw your post on the friendster, went to your profile, saw your blog, and then came to it. I while i understand your hatred of yourjob, I just thought that I could possibly brighten your day. I have the most ironic job ever. Due to a poor job market in Denver, I took a job at Starbucks. I alternate between hating myself and not caring enough to do that. Well, I hope that brought some semblance of a smile to you face...


PS. I almost came up to DC this weekend to visit folks. You would have been one of those folks. If you had time to see me...

February 25, 2005 at 7:15 AM  

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