Friday, January 07, 2005

best. year. ever.

sorry i haven't been writing much recently. i've been working a number of temp jobs that actually expect me to "do things" instead of just surf the web. jesus what assholes.

so apparently 2005 is going to be a great year. or so says my friend sophie. that kind of optimism is really refreshing these days. and i'm begining to suspect that it may at least be tolerable, if not the best year ever. i went to my shrink yesterday after a three week hiatus, and i realized that the last three weeks haven't been so bad. ok, not counting the horrible horribleness of christmas. (i fucking hate christmas) there was a lot of general blueness, but no hysterical weeping or stomach churning anxiety. so that's nice. by this standard, i'm already ahead of last year, when rock bottom of my breakdown was january 2nd. not that i'm going to call myself cured and wait until next september when i begin this cycle again, but at least i'm not crying on my way to work as much.

speaking of work, i'm now begining a three month temp job with a lobbying firm that lobbies for a number of small interests, including a company that manufactures edges. it's a two person office, one of whom i've met and is having a baby and i'm going to replace. the titular head, however, is an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a sweater. he is a sixty two year old world traveler/foodie/amature photographer whose office is filled with the most amazing personal collection of art i've ever seen. it's not big names or anything, just fantastic cutting edge contemporary prints, outsider art and sculpture and some international stuff. his assistant is totally baffled by how much i like it. he's also obsessed with signs. he takes pictures of weired signs all over the world, and has a bunch in his office. i can't wait to meet him. i feel like if i don't leave this job with a sugar daddy, i'm never going to get one.



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